April 9, 2004Former HALFORD/current PAINMUSEUM drummer Bobby Jarzombek has posted the following message on his official web site:
"Hey everyone, I thought I'd do another quick update because bro' Ron edited these video clips of me playing a few of the SPASTIC INK tunes from the new 'Ink Compatible' CD and I wanted you to check them out. I recorded these drum tracks almost 4 years ago in my practice studio in San Antonio, Texas. It took me close to four months to create and work out my parts for the 6 tunes that I played on. This was right after I recorded the HALFORD – 'Resurrection' CD and just before we went out on the IRON MAIDEN / QUEENSRŸCHE / HALFORD Tour. The 'Ink Compatible' CD contains some outrageous performances by some killer musicians. It's not for everyone but if you're into heavy progressive music this CD is a must-have. This audio/video footage was shot with my 8 millimeter camera so quality isn't the greatest but you'll be able to get a good idea of what SPASTIC INK is all about. Here are the video clips from the songs 'Multi-Masking' [Windows Media], 'Aquanet' [Windows Media], and 'Melissa's Friend' [Windows Media]. The CD is available at www.spasticink.com as well as various online vendors. Don't ask about an update on my DVD. I'm still working on it. More setbacks but I'm still making progress."